Toddler Classes

Spring Classes / Summer Classes
Jan. 4 - May 16
(Studio Closed: Jan. 20 & Feb. 18-22)

Toddler Dance

AGES: 3 & 4

For the dancers safety we require the presence of one parent per student in the classroom and anyone else in your party must wait in our lobby. Please bring comfortable clothing and socks to help your child during class.

Wednesday 10:00 - 10:30 am
Flor de Liz Norris

Saturday 10:10 - 10:40 am
Leilani Gomez

10:50 - 11:20 am
Leilani Gomez


First Session
8 wks: Sat. Jan. 4 - March 1
8 wks: Wed. Jan. 8 - March 5

Second Session
8 wks: Sat. March 22 - May 10
8 wks: Wed. March 19 - May 7

Session Fee:   $80.00 - expires 8 weeks from first class

Our sessions run 8 weeks long. This is significantly shorter than any of our other classes, but seems to be the right length of time for this age. At 3 and 4 years old children vary widely and giving parent and teacher the chance to re-evaluate every 8 weeks works well. A toddler may be doing well for several sessions only to need a break. Many times after 8 weeks off a child will return with new interest in the class.


We accept Cash, Check, Credit and Debit.

Refund/Credit: Tuition is not refundable after the first class. Tuition may be credited for medical reasons only with a doctor's note. Credit will be calculated from the notification date.

Returned Checks: A $20.00 handling fee will be charged for any returned checks.

What to Wear

  • Girls: Any solid colored leotard, pink or black tights, pink or black ballet shoes, hair in a bun. Skirts are optional.

  • Boys: white t-shirt, black athletic pants or bike shorts, white socks, black ballet shoes.

Make up Classes

Anytime a student who has signed up for the toddler session misses class, they can make up the missed class with any of the other toddler classes the studio offers as long as there is space availability. The make up must be taken in the same 8 week session as the missed class. For scheduled events (vacation, business trip, ect.) you may take a make up class prior to the class actually being missed, but again both the make up and the missed class must take place in the same 8 week session.